Taneha's Media Blog: School Magazine

Wednesday 17 November 2010

School Magazine

This is the final screen print of my school magazine.
It is made in Microsoft publsher and I used a primary image for the main image.
The logo in the corner of the page is a magazine logo design, in the colours of the school uniform.
I have a picture of a sixth form student coming out of the main entrance because I felt it was important to have something related to the school on the front cover of the magazine. And it fits with the main headline and strapline which is about students getting their results.
All of the writing is white because it stands out the most above the background. Plus if I had tried to use too many font colours to make each thing stand apart from everything else, it would've looked too cluttered and unprfessional.
I have things related to the school in the coverlines, things that I think would be important in the eyes of the students, as they are obviously the target audience for this magazine, they are the majority of the school, so directing it at the teachers would make it less appealing for the students to be reading.

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