Taneha's Media Blog: Editing the images

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Editing the images

This is the original image of 'Dakota' (left) and 'Delilah' (right) from the band. I decided though that 'Dakota' looked a bit dull and darker than 'Delilah' so I used the 'quick select' tool in photoshop and cut her from the image and pasted her onto a new layer. I then played around with the contrast and brightness until I was happy with it.

This is the image after I've edited 'Dakota' and layed her back over the other layer. I may still play around with the contrast and brightness as she now looks too bright compared to the other girl and you can tell the image has been photoshopped. I also edited the contrast of the original image ever so slightly to make it slightly lighter.

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