Taneha's Media Blog: Double Page Spread background design

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Double Page Spread background design

This is the design for my background of my double page spread.

It is fairly simple, I set the dimensions on photoshop to A3 size (but edited them to landscape rather than portrait)

I then 'imported' the 'ROCK LEGION' logo in from my front cover and resized it, then added in some page numbers in the same font.

I used the 'brush' tool on photoshop, and '2500' pixels and clicked over the page, originally intending the whole background to be block black, but it came out like an actual paint bursh print. I did this all over the page and decided that I actually prefer this effect to my original plan.

It looks smokey and it looks abit like Zebra print, which is a style of print quite commonly worn by my 'target audience'.

But this caused a problem, I could no longer see my text against the black. Originally I was going to resolve this by making the text white but I found that it was still partially illegible, so I decided to add a white 'glow' around the text.

I did this my right clicking on my layer in photoshop and going into the 'blending options'. I chose the 'Stroke' option and added a white stroke, size: 10px.

This made the writing stand out against the background.

The last problem I think I will have with this layout is the actual text itself, but I think I will use either a pink or red font to make it stand out from the background and make sure it is leggible. This would be because Black, White and Red work together very well as an effective colour scheme. I will either use this idea or I will put the text into boxes over the background, and have the boxes in block black so I can use white font. But I will decide this at the time.

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