Taneha's Media Blog: Magazine cover band

Monday 8 November 2010

Magazine cover band

I am going to create a band that is of similar genre to Paramore, maybe even with a similar image.

I am doing this because they are a very popular band and are quite regularly featured in the sort of magazine that I read, and that I am trying to produce by the end of this project.
I like the style of music that they play and also the fact that the band is fronted by a woman which is something very uncommon throughout all genres of music, especially 'rock' music because it is a majoritively male dominated genre. This makes them stand out from some of the other bands around and it makes them different. Also, I like their image, they do have a collective band image but it doesn't particularly conform to a certain stereotype and neither do the people in the band.
So I have created a slightly 'pretentious' band called 'wHore'
They are Female fronted, like Paramore, and have 2 Male members. Female vocalist and guitarist, and a Male Bass Guitarist and Drummer. A very generic four piece white british band.
If this were a real magazine then I would be using this band as they have a good image, they are a popular, established band with a large fanbase and therefore people would want to read about them.

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