Taneha's Media Blog: Rocksound Contents Page Analysis WIP

Thursday 18 November 2010

Rocksound Contents Page Analysis WIP

This is the contents page from Rocksound magazine.
I am analysing this as Rocksound has a very similar target audience to the Audience that I am aiming my magazine at so it is most relevent.
This isn't a particularly good example of effective use of space as the image takes up most of the page. Also there is barely any text on the page, which means that the person is going to have to look through the magazine to find what they are actually looking for.
This, I feel, is a flaw in the design, and I think that they should have used the space far more effectively than they have done. The picture is definitely the biggest problem in my eyes. It wastes alot of space that could have been used for more information about what's in the magazine.
That aside, it is well layed out, with the information in white, which stands out against the black background, and the main heading is in red, along with the page numbers. Apart from the skin, the only 3 colours used on the page are black, white and red. These are very simples colours that work well together.
Black can be used to connote a very serious and conventional mood, or it can be used to portray a very sophisticated, mysterious and sexy mood.
Red can connote danger and anger, or it can connote passion and love, either way it conjurs up strong emotion.
White connotes peace, cleanliness, innocence and purity. It creates a peaceful emotion, quite subtle and relaxed.
To look at the colour's different connotations shows that even though they work together well, they are clashing in meanings, and creating a messy mood, with passion, purity and sophistication all in one place. But they work well together.

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