Taneha's Media Blog: Preliminary task - 2nd draft

Friday 24 September 2010

Preliminary task - 2nd draft

This is my second draft of my school magazine front cover.
Obviously I wouldn't use this image because it is off the internet. Also I will use a camera with higher megapixels so that it doesn't pixellate like this image has done when I stretched it.
I don't think I will use this font either as although it looks good, I don't particularly like it so I will have to change it.
I am probably going to use a high angle shot of the front of the school as the main image and then I may add an image of some students at work over the top.
I'll have to change the colour of the font where the photo is darker but not use too many colours as this would confuse the eye and make the magazine less appealing.
I am also going to re-design the 'logo' for the title to make it more interesting.

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