Taneha's Media Blog: Elle Magazine Cover Analysis

Monday 18 October 2010

Elle Magazine Cover Analysis

Elle is a fashion magazine that covers some high street clothes but mostly catwalk and couture fashion. It is aimed at females, aged 16-45 who are into fashion. It also covers music, literature, film and fashion 'icons' amongst other things.
This is the latest issue (November 2010) and on the front cover it features Alexa Chung, who is quite a well known fashion icon, due to her quirky, British dress sense.
The colours on the front of the magazine are 'monochrome' which makes it look very simple and is easy on the eyes. It doesn't make the magazine stand out in itself but when on a shelf with lots of other magazine that are all brightly coloured, it will stand out because of it's plain colour scheme.
Alexa's outfit goes with the colour scheme on the front cover as she is wearing Black and a grey/blue (navy) top with a white colour, which will have been specifically chosen to go with the particular issues colour scheme.
The fact that they have only used three colours makes the cover look very professional and makes it easier to look at, plus the fact that the three colours used are so close to each other (white+black=grey) makes it seem nice and simple. Choosing these three colours is really quite a safe option.
Grey, is a very 'elegant', neutral colour, that is very balanced and can be associated with being quite moody. It is also seen, like black, as a colour of mourning and as a colour of formality.
It is made up of black and white.
Black, is a very 'conservative' colour and has conflicting connotations. It can be used to portray a moody, serious, conventional image but it can also be seen as very 'sexy' and sophisticated.
It also goes well with ALMOST every colour.
White, is a very 'pure' and clean colour, and it connotes cleanliness, purity and innocence. Like Black it goes well with most colours.
These three colours used together put across quite a moody and sophisticated image, which is what the general feel of this magazine is. It does this very well I feel.

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